So it is official then; I am going to Belgium. Yes, the treasured land of Tintin,Magritte,Poirot,French fries (!) and a whole lot of beer is going to be my homeplace for the coming semester. Sounds like a piece of Walloon cake you say? Well don´t be fooled, this will be my exchange-semester at Université catholique de Louvain (UCL). It is just a short ride from Brussels, capital and political heart of Europe. I am very excited to study abroad and from the look of it, I think it will be a great experience. I´ve heard that the studentlife is great and the proximity to cities such as London,Paris and Amsterdam means a lot of travelling! The main task now is to set up a course-plan and then to find some OK accomodation. The practical formalities can be a real pain in the you-know-what,but to quote a certain Wisenheimer: No pain,no gain!
If you are interested in finding out more about Belgium, visit the official tourism page
If you want to learn more about my adopted school (some French knowledge required),visit the webpages of UCL
If you are fed up with this article and just feeling thirsty,visit The Belgian Beer Escort
1 comment:
especially the proximity with Paris...It is great!!
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